Rachel Wainwright
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About my classes:

Yoga has been my gateway to accessing a deeper connection to myself. Pilates has helped heal past sports injuries and align my body to its optimal form. Dance liberates my soul! I practice and teach these three modalities.

When I teach I open myself completely. This allows me to plug into the hearts of all my students. In doing so I become vulnerable and it allows me to be aware and compassionately respond to the feelings of others. Then I pour my heart out to yours and share everything that comes through me.

My mission as a teacher is to create a safe space to support you as you peel off your layers of limited beliefs, to the core of your true being, nourish your nature, fall in love with yourself and encourage you to open to possibility.


vinyasa Yoga


My Yang style yoga (Vinyasa) class begins rooted in intention, guiding you to ground into yourself as I plant some seeds of insight. Slowly gliding you into moving meditation syncing deeply with breath and mesmerizing you into the present moment. I will guide you to connect deeper to your senses and become more aware of your sensations. I will remind you to listen to your intuition and trust your own innate intelligence. I then pick up a rhythmic pace as I lead you through a creative sweat dripping flow, melting off weight. I'll support you to use your newfound confidence to autonomously move through sequence options for your practice, to build your strength and flexibility not only physically but mentally too. As the body and mind begin to talk, I encourage you to talk back to it with your breath. As we turn up the volume of our breath, it turns down the volume of the mind. As we tune into ourselves, we tune out outside distractions. Opening you to the sense of possibility and playfully shaking your "ass"ana into the postural peak, feeling lighter in love more confident and believing in yourself more. The combination of mindful movement to motivational music can shift your perspective to a more positive one and raise your vibration to a higher frequency. I aim for you to feel more uplifted and empowered to practice yoga off the mat and into your life.

Inspires you in a deep profound way, yet in light playful way.
— Sarah Silva
Both a ‘workout’ and a ‘work-in’, Rachel’s class will leave you feeling the pleasant echo of your own efforts resonating within you.
— Elisha Johnston

Yin yoga


In my Yin Yoga Class I will guide you into a seated posture, hold space for you to drop deep into your body and for you to marinate in the mOMent. This nurturing practice brings more balance into your busy life, by slowing down to rest, digest and process everything. I sequence the postures to release blocked energy - issues store in our tissues. Through a Yin Yoga practice with me, any of these bottled up emotions may rise up. I will support you through feeling and letting it go - like a hug you embrace and release. Tension melts and stress dissolves away. Creating space to settle your nervous system to relax healing your body, soothe your soul, calm your mind and feel peace in your heart.

Rachel’s classes are consciousness raising and life changing!
— Ben Moore
Soulfully delicious! Rachel’s poetic truths struck a cord in me and I felt awakened to life and all it’s potential.
— Stacy Rivers



My Pilates mat classes are unique. Because of my dance background I naturally guide you through all the exercises with flow, from one to the other, accompanied by energetic yet soothing music. I continuously cue the breath, so you say connected to yourself, and work smarter then harder. We will do a series of exercises to strengthen your core by developing pelvic stability, increase muscular strength endurance, and increase flexibility in an intelligent way with no impact on your joints. Pilates improves balance, coordination, posture and alignment. In my class I focus on heightening your bodily awareness and improving your self-image. I will pay close attention to the accuracy of your form and then build upon a foundation of proper technique. Pilates can dramatically alter your body’s appearance and performance, by increasing both strength and flexibility, elongating and strengthening the muscles. My mission is for you to get a great workout, get connected, and feel more self-confident.

Rachel’s pilates classes are fun and her approach is about celebrating your body! She adds cardio so you can burn fat, plus tone your body, while laughing and smiling.
— Sarah M
I was suffering from severe back pain, not only did taking Pilates privates with Rachel help me strengthen my back, but now I have a flat sexy stomach!
— Laura Wright
Running is my passion and outlet. I had knee pain and was feeling depressed that I couldn’t run anymore. My doctor referred pilates to me, and friend suggested Rachel. She felt my knee pain was rooting from tight IT band area, so added appropriate stretches that combined with exercises to re-track my knee. Within no time I was running again and feeling better then ever!
— Jason B